as much as i am attracted to color, i love the feeling of a white room. whether it’s in a bathroom or a kitchen, there’s something about winter white that screams endless possibilities. white is simultaneously calming and clean, neutral and bright. {photo credits in image titles.}
white walls, white windows, white cabinetry, white chairs, white flowers… yet there’s nothing bland about it.
like a big huge snowball, but better.
the best kind of holiday decoration: subtle. i want to show this room to all the people with colored lights and inflatable santas just to remind them that christmas can indeed be done in good taste. earthy garland, shiny ornaments, plus-size pinecones, a fire going strong… this is what christmas should be.
exquisite white moulding and window panes.
white floors = absolute genius.
wouldyoulookatthatfireplace? therearenowords.
not exactly my taste but i adore the framed chair prints and the way they pop against that white wall.
i can say with certainty that i would never leave this shower.