i’m borrowing this idea from the wonderful jordan over at oh happy day!, who posted a list a while back of 30 things she wanted to accomplish before her 30th birthday. i love the idea of listing and sharing goals, big and small, as a way to stay productive and hold myself accountable. (not bad timing considering the myriad resolutions everyone is making this time of year anyway!) without further ado, my list:
2. pack sensibly for france
3. see as much of europe as is humanly and financially possible
4. …and take thousands of pictures
5. spend valentine’s day with boyfriend in paris (february 14)
6. plan boyfriend an amazing birthday getaway (may 1)
7. apply to at least ten internships (january and february)
8. secure a french internship for the month of may
9. secure a paid internship for the summer (or second job if internship is unpaid)
10. pennsylvania trip to paint bedroom of senior year house (july)
11. decorate bedroom of senior year house (and stick to the budget!)
12. create a better photo display for upstairs hallway at home
13. update family address book
14. read 12 new books (one per month, recommendations appreciated)
15. blog here five times per week
16. comment on at least one other blog per day (this shouldn’t be too hard considering i follow about 13 trillion others)
18. stay a vegetarian (could be challenging considering language barrier and cultural customs in france)
19. get all a’s and b’s during semester abroad (is this too easy? too hard? not sure what the classes will be like but i’m sure the distraction of travel will be a recurring issue)
20. throw a 21st birthday party in new york (august 9)
21. end my twentieth year feeling more independent, more worldly, happier, healthier, and otherwise better!