The untimely death of Apple visionary Steve Jobs this week seems like an appropriate time to demonstrate the importance of technology in my life. Like many of you, I’m a once-you-go-Mac-you-never-go-back kind of girl. I work on a Macbook, blog on a Macbook Pro, and do just about everything else on an iPhone. Here are a few recent snaps taken with my iPhone and Instagram…
I’m trying to take a few on-the-go outfit pictures each week. Can you tell oxford shirts and skinny jeans are something of a uniform for me?
When I’m not racing to work or dashing to catch the next train, it’s nice to take a moment to capture the city (even if it requires being that girl pausing on the sidewalk with iPhone in the air). The magic of Grand Central Station is never lost on me!
And lest you get the impression that I’m spending weekends in the wilderness (that was one time, I promise), here we have a sunset snapped from my front yard, a boulder field on last weekend’s hike, the boat yard the train passes on my morning commute, and a tree in a friend’s yard on a particularly beautiful day.
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I hope you all have a moment to stop and smell the roses this weekend, even if it’s through the lens of your beloved iPhone. It’s rather fun to look back on! Have a good one and see you back here on Monday!