We’re fast approaching that time of year when the weather outside is prohibitively cold. I’m embarrassed to admit that I literally decide whether to go out and run an errand based on how freezing I will be between my front door and my car… And it’s only bound to get worse as winter progresses. Fortunately I found a little ice cold inspiration in this ensemble over on my very favorite style blog, Atlantic-Pacific:
Blair has a knack for mixing colors and patterns that I think goes unrivaled among personal style bloggers. I’m constantly wishing I could come up with the looks she does, which is why I thought we might all use a little lesson from one of her recent outfits. Topped with a warm coat (I love mine!), this layered look is key for surviving winter in style.
Hunter gloss boots, $125 (I have these in black but love a bright color for gray days!)
What are your tricks for weathering winter?