My family has a goal to see all fifty states together. It doesn’t count if just one or two of us visits; all six must be there in order to check a state off the list. So far we’ve seen 33 states, a list of which you can see in the sidebar HERE. Two of the items on my 101 in 1001 list pertain to this family goal and they are…
52. Figure out the best way to keep track of our family’s travels…
53. …And make progress by crossing at least one more state off our list!
I stumbled upon this map ($60) on Etsy and I think it’d be a fantastic way to note our family’s travels. Now to plot our next trip… Shall it be Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, or West Virginia? 😉
Have you done lots of traveling within the U.S.? How do you keep track of your travels?