1. Displaying clothes on clothing racks is totally underrated.
It’s a great solution for apartment dwellers who are short on closet space — just hang your favorites in the bedroom! (This one is just $23!) Plus it adds color to white walls you can’t paint. Speaking of color…
2. Organizing by color is kind of genius.
Need a blue top to go with that green skirt? Coming right up. Think of all the new combinations you’d dream up by having your clothes in plain view! Which of course brings me to #3…
3. My wardrobe is seriously lacking in color.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I inherited my mother’s love of navy blue and white. But it’s time to start branching out, at least in colors that pair well with my tried-and-true basics!
What do you think? How do you organize your clothes?!
What do you think? How do you organize your clothes?!