I’m in New York today enjoying the second day of IFB panels so I thought I’d turn it over to you all for one of my favorite columns! See all previous features here…
Blog(s) rocking your world lately:
Food you’re known for making:
Saving up for:
Something you want to cross off today’s to do list:
The last book you read:
Copy and paste to leave your answers in the comments! Here are my answers:
Blog(s) rocking your world lately: Pink Peonies and Sous Style
Food you’re known for making: Guacamole? I’m not much of a chef 😉
Last book you finished: Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Saving up for: A classic leather handbag (thinking something Tory Burch)
Something you want to cross off today’s to do list: Updating all my iPhone apps