I hope you had a lovely weekend! I spent mine with a rotating crew of family and friends helping me move into my new apartment (seriously, what would I do without them?). One thing I’m learning about furnishing a 375 square foot studio is that every purchase has to be completely deliberate. There’s no “let’s buy it and find a spot for it” because there simply is no extra space. So far that means using an oversized bookshelf as a room divider (which you can sort of see here), a deep windowsill as a bedside table, and a dining table that will double as a work surface for packing boxes for my boutique. I’m surprised at just how much I’ve been loving the challenge! Here are a few spaces that are inspiring me at the moment…
My space is even tinier than Elizabeth Bauer’s gorgeous studio but I love that she divided a small space into two distinct rooms. I adore the glass divider but we used a bookshelf for much-needed storage!
I’m totally hung up on finding the perfect white bedding! Monogrammed pillows would be the perfect finishing touch, don’t you think?
My studio only has two windows but thankfully they’re quite big and let in a good deal of natural light. I’m excited to build pelmet boxes (using this tutorial) with my mom and love the idea of adding bright white trim.
I keep coming back to this picture as an example of perfectly styled bookshelves. The mix of books, storage, and personal touches makes you totally forget it’s from Ikea!
There you have it: a vague idea of where I’m headed with this 😉 I can’t tell you how much fun I’m having with it! What decorating projects are next on your to do list?
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