1. Buy yourself a bouquet of fresh blooms! Peony season has arrived and there’s no quicker way to add a little life to your abode.
2. Clear off one surface. Just one. Pick one spot that’s been driving you crazy and take a half hour to tidy. A clear desk, dining table, or dresser always feels like a big accomplishment!
3. Set up a bar cart… or at least a bar tray. Take your prettiest bottles (Hendricks, Pellegrino, whatever floats your boat) and display them on a tray (preferably monogrammed) with your favorite glasses (preferably turquoise). Add a pretty bowl of lemons or limes for good measure. Little styled vignettes never fail to make me feel at home… and the occasional happy hour never hurt anybody.
4. Do the dishes. If there’s one chore I put off, it’s this one. (Why is it acceptable that New York apartments don’t have dishwashers?!)
5. Take ten minutes and hang all your clothes. Please tell me I’m not the only girl who gets ready to go out by trying on 1,392 outfits and throwing the rejects all over the floor. I don’t know how or why it happens but it does. Seeing my favorite clothes hung up neatly does wonders for brightening my mood… and getting dressed in the morning.
What’s your favorite way to brighten your space? Leave your tips in the comments! xx
What’s your favorite way to brighten your space? Leave your tips in the comments! xx