What. A. Week. I definitely took my own advice and ran myself ragged with work, doctor’s appointments, and evenings with friends. Suffice it to say I was blown away by all the love for my little studio tour that went live on Tuesday. You guys even crashed their servers for a little bit… Amazing.
After skydiving last weekend, I made more progress on my 101 in 1001 list by finally getting my eyes checked and buying glasses I don’t actually hate. Oh and I’m three days into my goal to drink the recommended amount of water every day for a week — is it lame that I’m pretty sure this is the hardest goal on my list?
Today I’m meeting up with Eddy to run a mile in Central Park and hopefully live to tell the tale. I was a gymnast through high school, a cheerleader my freshman year in college, and I make it to the gym three times a week but I am not, not, not a runner. That said, I am very much a list-maker and hopefully the motivation of crossing another goal off my list will keep me putting one foot in front of the other. If you see a redhead collapsing in Central Park this afternoon, do stop and say hello.
One more thing: this 101 in 1001 list wraps up at the end of September and I’m hard at work drafting my next list. I have about 80 tasks written down but I’d really love your input! If you or someone you know has written a similar list (bucket list, 25 before 25, 30 before 30, etc.), please email me or leave a link below. I’ll take all the inspiration I can get!
Oh and join me on Pinterest for tons more eye candy every day of the week. Have a good one! xx