I promise I’m going to share my next 101 in 1001 list with you! My first list wrapped up this fall (I can’t believe I started it in college!) and I’m only now coming up with the final tasks for my second list. I’m so close! I can’t wait to get started and of course to share it here on the blog.
In the mean time, I would love your help! I’m so inspired by all the people who have shared their lists with me (they’re all listed here under #2) — it’s crazy how many of us share similar dreams and goals. With only a few more tasks to write on my next list, I’d love to know what you’d like to accomplish in your next 1001 days (2.75 years). It could be anything: achieving a personal fitness goal, finding volunteer work you’re passionate about, saving up for your dream bag, traveling to a new place, trying a new food… Whatever it is, I’m dying for a little inspiration!
P.S. If you decide to write a list of your own, tweet me so I can link up!