It’s been my experience that girls love to shop. My guy friends have asked when I’ll be adding more men’s gifts to the boutique but (while we’ve added a few great guy gifts here) I know that my target audience has been and likely always will be women. We women love clothes, decorating, shoes… Boys just don’t shop the way girls do, myself included.
But I do live in a teeny tiny apartment and sometimes I get bogged down by all the stuff. (How is there no more hanging space in my closet?) I should preface this by saying I don’t have a shopping addiction, have zero credit card debt, etc., but was simply up for a challenge (#5 on my 101 in 1001 list) to see if I could go thirty days without buying a single thing — no new arrivals on J.Crew or Shopbop, no sale finds, no spontaneous purchases while out with friends. The month after Christmas shopping overdrive seemed like as good a time as any.
Two things: 1) I made it and 2) I kind of loved it! Yes, I missed the feeling of waiting excitedly for the UPS guy to show up. Yes, I felt like I had “nothing to wear” for outfit posts on the blog. And yes, shopping with my girlfriends was a little less fun knowing I couldn’t act on anything I fell in love with. But it forced me to rediscover a few old favorites (like a pair of suede jodhpur leggings from Rugby, RIP) and it made me think about which pieces I tend to wear over and over (blue oxford shirts, this navy blazer, this silk shirt). By the time the month was up, I was much more excited to add quality items to my repertoire of tried-and-true wardrobe favorites than any impulse purchases I’d truthfully only wear a handful of times.
So the verdict? Totally in favor. I felt like I proved something to myself, my checking account felt a little cushier at the end of the month, and I think I could totally do it again (maybe even once a season!). It’s made me think more about each purchase since then, contemplate new items in terms of cost-per-wear (I’m dying to invest in some of these perfect everyday shirts), and hold off on one-off purchases for special occasions (this site is a huge help for that).
Could you go a month without shopping for clothes, decor, or makeup? Have you done it before? Tell me everything!