I can’t tell you how happy I am this weekend is finally here! This was really the week that went on forever. As much as I love my new neighborhood, moving is definitely a pain in the you-know-what. On top of that, I came down with a nasty cold — winter, please get lost. But on a happy note, I’ve been counting down to this weekend since giving my mom and sister tickets to the Lion King on Broadway for Christmas! We’re seeing a matinée tomorrow and I’m so excited — I’ve heard great things!
Oh and the best part? It’s supposed to hit 50* here tomorrow which means spring must not be so far off after all. I’m using it as an excuse to trade my winter coat for my field jacket and throw it over an ensemble like the above: classic silk shirt, an armful of tortoiseshell bangles, and a dash of pretty-in-pink lipstick. (P.S. Have any of you tried Tory Burch’s lipstick? The packaging has me head over heels!) Have a good one, friends. xx