Have you ever seen a more gorgeous exterior in your life? This home tour on the newly relaunched Lonny stopped me in my tracks. I love the Georgian architecture, glossy lacquer door, and OMG those windows. Of course the interior is just as stunning…
Simple art and ginger jars galore.
Antiqued mirror (great DIY instructions here!) and yellow wingbacks. Hellooo gorgeous.
Marble and navy and perfect all over. The only part of this room I can afford is this. 😉
Say hello to the chicest bunk beds you’ve ever seen. I want to sleep here!
Framed skateboards in the bathroom because obviously these kids are cooler than I am.
Cozy little bed nook. Yes please.
Too pretty for words. Don’t miss the full home tour here.
P.S. Does anyone else feel totally motivated looking at crazy real estate? No, just me? 😉