design darling wishlistone  //  two  //  three  //  four  //  five  //  six  //  seven  //  eight  //  nine (under $100!) //  ten  //  eleven  //  twelve

I’m actively avoiding going outdoors at all costs and therefore finding all kinds of lovely things online to remind me that winter won’t last forever. Who else is excited to stow away their puffer coats and get back to skirt weather? Also, should I get this pair of mules? Would New York ruin them in 0.2 seconds? I’m kind of obsessed.

Also also, remember my campaign desk from Target? I’m thinking if it ever gets warm again, I should take it outside and paint it all glossy white and pretty like the one above. It’s been too long since I got my DIY on. Time to dig all those Craigslist finds out of my parents’ garage…!