Button-down. Button-up. Oxford shirt. OCBD. Whatever you call them, they’re a staple in every preppy girl (and guy’s) year-round wardrobe and it’s virtually impossible to have too many in your closet. I’m therefore a little embarrassed to admit that I still haven’t really found the perfect one for me. Well, that’s not entirely true — I lived in Rugby’s oxford shirts and haven’t really known where to turn since they went out of business. (RIP, for real.)
This boy shirt has a baggier, comfier fit so it’s great with skinny jeans but not ideal for tucking into a skirt or shorts. On the subject of boy shirts, these shirts are actually made for boys but I’ve been stealing them from my brothers for years and tying them in a knot all summer (photo reference). I also just picked up this relaxed fit and plan on wearing it tucked into my new favorite white jeans once it warms up. But the shirt I’m really longing for and haven’t been able to find since Rugby’s glory days is slightly more fitted, without pulling at the chest, with a stiff collar should I be inclined to, er, pop lock and drop it. Have you had any luck in that department?
*images one / two / three / four / five
Here are a few button-down shirts on my “to try” list (this, this, and this are front runners) but I’d love for you to weigh in in the comments if you’ve found the best oxford shirt for you!