I have a confession to make and it’s not something I’m proud of: I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people, even people I really, really love. I’m bad at responding to text messages right away and making time for phone calls. I love nothing more than a friendship where we pick up right where we left off the last time we saw each other. Do any of you feel the same way?
But there are obviously relationships where I don’t get to see people nearly as often as I’d like and where catching up on the phone or over Skype is necessary… It just hasn’t been a strong suit for me in the past. I’m sure this has a lot to do with my lack of patience (does anyone else get antsy while talking on the phone?) and I tend to be distracted with a bunch of other things when I check my phone and see a new message. But I feel so guilty when someone says they feel like they can’t get a hold of me. It’s definitely something I want to work on now that I live in a city where I’m further away from most of my family and friends.
One of the best parts of Design Darling is the community of young women it’s grown to include over the years and I’d like to think of you all as people I can turn to when I need a little advice. So here it is: how do you keep in touch with family and friends? Do you have weekly Skype calls? A family text thread? (We do and it’s hilarious.) Do you make phone calls from your car or when you’re waiting in line somewhere? Do you respond to texts the moment you receive them? I have a feeling I’m probably not the only one who’s moved away from home and asked herself these kinds of questions so do chime in if you have any words of wisdom!