We’re one week out from Christmas Eve and it’s down to the nitty gritty details! Opening our stockings has always been one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Traditionally, all nine grandchildren on my mom’s side would wait at the top of the stairs (presumably until our parents had refilled their coffee mugs) and then run downstairs and take our stockings off the mantel. We opened the bigger gifts one by one, with each cousin patiently waiting for his or her turn in line, but opening stockings was kind of a how-fast-can-you-open-everything free-for-all. Is your family the same way? Do you fill up stockings as an adult? It’s one of many Christmas traditions I hope to keep around for a long time. Here are 12 of my favorite stocking stuffer ideas if you’re stumped on how to fill yours this season:
1. Chapstick or lip gloss. Great for a guy or girl, especially if it’s something they might not buy themselves. Here’s my favorite unisex lip balm and here’s the lip gloss I wear the most (my favorite shade is Encre Rose but there are so many pretty ones!).
2. Makeup. On a related note, now’s a great time to check out your daughter/girlfriend/sister/wife’s makeup bag and see what she’s running low on. A few of my favorites: bronzer, tinted moisturizer, under-eye corrector.
3. Candle. Did you know Diptyque makes smaller sized candles for half the price? My favorite scent is Baies. You can stock up and give them as hostess gifts too!
4. Gift card. It might not be the most fun gift to unwrap but it’s definitely one of the most practical. Some good choices: Drybar, iTunes, SoulCycle, Starbucks, Whole Foods, the recipient’s favorite local restaurant.
5. Christmas tree ornament. Nothing like opening your stocking and being able to use one of your presents right away. You can shop 18 of my favorites here.
6. Jewelry. No girl has ever gotten mad at seeing a tiny jewelry box in her Christmas stocking, whether it’s something everyday, something statement-making, or something a little more luxe.
7. Perfume or cologne. People (ahem, me) can be picky about their scents so find out if he/she’s the type to want to try something new or stick with what works. If you’re looking for something new, I alternate between this and this and Will wears this.
8. The basics. They might be boring but I almost always ask for hair ties, socks, and underwear in my stocking. I (only somewhat jokingly) told Will all I want for Christmas is a million pairs of socks because our dryer keeps stealing all of mine.
9. Candy. If someone wanted to fill my stocking with berry blue jelly beans or sour patch kids (#sweettooth), I’d be totally fine with that.
10. Sleep mask. I used to wear a sleep mask every night when I lived in New York but I still love using mine for travel (is there anything worse than not being able to fall asleep on a plane?). This one looks particularly cozy.
11. Phone case. I’m still carrying a naked iPhone 6 despite dropping it and shattering the screen more times than I care to admit. When will I learn? I’d be happy to find either this or this in my stocking but this is a great guy option.
12. Favorite desk supplies. Who could resist a mega pack of rainbow Sharpies?!