Happy Friday, everyone! We’re planning on a pretty low-key couple of days at home and dressing up for a Halloween party with friends tomorrow night. I hope you have a fun-filled weekend as well! Here are this week’s rose and thorn…
This week’s rose was by far a strong sense of connection, both with family and friends and with all of you who read this blog. I’ve mentioned that loneliness is my least favorite part of working from home and this week that was the furthest thing from my mind.
I started the week with my most commented blog post of all time about changing my last name after marriage. I was blown away by how many of you commented, but more than that I felt deep gratitude that everyone was so respectful of opinions different from their own. It can be really hard for me to talk about personal choices (like participating in the Women’s March on Washington, for instance) on the blog when the backlash can be so hurtful, so it was really refreshing to discuss a somewhat controversial topic and listen to so many viewpoints expressed with such kindness and tolerance. I learned a lot from your comments and I’m excited to write more of these types of posts going forward. This conversation made me really proud of the community I’m fostering here — you are a group of independent, insightful, intellectual, badass women and I can’t wait to tap into that energy more often.
I also had a workout date with my mom, a fun lunch with my friend Molly, a dinner date in the city with Amy, phone calls to catch up with my sister Reilly and my cousin Emily, and got together to work on Halloween costumes with our friends Katie, Shelly, and their husbands. It was definitely a busier week than usual and my heart is so full because of it!
So it will probably come as no surprise that this week’s thorn was falling way off my miracle morning schedule. I did not manage to get myself out of bed at 5:30 a.m. a single day this week and I’m feeling majorly guilty about it. Maybe I need to pick a time that’s not quite so aggressive, like 6:30 a.m., to ease into things a little more? I’d love to hear what works for you. And tell me your rose and thorn for the week in the comments! xx