It’s been a little over nine months since I published my third list of 101 things I want to do in the next 1001 days and I’m happy to report I’ve crossed off 21 list items so far! I wrote about my first five completed goals in this update and my next nine completed goals in this update so today I’m going to share the seven goals I’ve crossed off most recently!
pitcher // glasses (also obsessed with their woven trays)
Goals completed since my last update:
21. Host an Instagram Q&A (July 2018).
This goal got a lot easier thanks to Instagram’s new ask me anything feature and I think I’ve answered around 80 questions that are now saved on my highlights! I’ve loved hearing what topics you guys are curious about and sharing more personal updates like things I wish I’d known before our wedding, what I was like in high school, whether Will and I want to have kids, and lots more. Maybe I’ll make this a weekly or biweekly feature if you’re still enjoying it?
37. Take Will on a trip to see a tennis match (May 2018).
We went to the French Open at the end of our trip to France this spring! You can read all about it here.
39. Celebrate Will’s 30th birthday (May 2018).
I love celebrating milestones like birthdays and anniversaries by creating new memories instead of exchanging physical gifts. We wound up turning Will’s 30th into a week-long trip through the French Riviera and Paris which was every bit as spectacular as it sounds! You can see lots of photos from our trip here.
49. Have my grandmother teach me how to needlepoint (first project completed July 2018).
Grandy is a needlepoint master and I was so happy to soak up a tiny bit of her wisdom! I started with a Christmas ornament and now I’m almost finished with a needlepoint belt for Will! You can read how I got started here.
50. Have my dad teach me how to dive (August 2018).
Despite being a competitive gymnast through high school, I’ve always been terrified about diving into a pool and especially off a diving board. Thanks to my dad and his sister Katie, I finally went for it during our family reunion a couple weeks ago and it was not nearly as scary as I thought. Learning to dive is obviously not a skill I’ll be able to use all the time, but there are few things more rewarding than conquering a lifelong fear, no matter how silly it may sound to other people!
84. Update the Nantucket travel guide on my blog (June 2018).
Launching my new and improved Nantucket guide was my big project for the first half of the year and I am really proud of how it came together. Nothing makes me happier than hearing from one of you that you used my guide to plan a family vacation or weekend trip — thank you!!!
96. Take a stand-up paddleboard yoga class (August 2018).
This was such a fun day — you can see photos here!
A few goals I’m still chipping away at are:
1. Read fifty books (I’ve read 20 so far!).
9. Finish at least twelve weeks of BBG (currently on week five!).
29. Order a wedding album (it’s in the mail and I cannot wait to share it with you guys!).
54. Find a way to display my wedding shoes (they were filthy after our wedding day but thanks to one of your recommendations after my first Instagram Q&A, I brought them to Leather Spa in the city and am crossing my fingers they’ll be able to work some magic on them!).
62. Photograph at least five rooms in our house and post on the blog (so far I’ve shared our foyer and our living room as well as a major decorating decision for our dining room).
72. Try at least twenty new-to-me restaurants in Connecticut.
80. Try at least ten new-to-me restaurants in New York.
100. See at least five concerts (we saw Taylor Swift in July and as always she did not disappoint!).
Check out the rest of my 101 in 1001 list here and email or tweet me if you decide to write your own so I can add the link to my list! It makes me so happy when you send me your lists and I LOVE following along as you all cross off your goals!!!