I’m slowly but surely working my way through your blog post suggestions from the reader survey I did this past winter and I was happy to see that several of you requested an update on my favorite coffee table books. While I tend to listen to audiobooks or use my library card (tell me I’m not the only one!) for everyday reading, there are few things I love more than flipping through a gorgeous coffee table book or seeing all my favorites displayed on our acrylic coffee table. It’s a collection I started back when I was living in a studio apartment in New York and it’s grown slowly but surely in the years since. Here are a few of my very favorites!
Once Upon A Time // Coastal Blues // Beautiful
The Perfectly Imperfect Home // Timeless // An Eye for Design
The Joy of Decorating // Dream Design Live // A Place in the Sun
A Passion for Blue & White // Women // The Decorated Home
A House by the Sea // Alex Katz // Nantucket
36 Hours // Absolutely Beautiful Things // Classic Style
Dazzling Design // Poolside with Slim Aarons // In the Spirit of Capri
I was fortunate to receive an advance copy of Dream Design Live by Paloma Contreras, the lovely lady (and fellow cockapoo mom!) behind the design blog La Dolce Vita, and it is filled with gorgeous images of her decorating projects as well as endless tips for designing your own space. And while we own all the above titles, this one is at the top of my wishlist once it comes out this fall! Would love to hear your favorite coffee table book(s) in the comments!
P.S. You can browse more of my favorite books (and accessories, beauty products, clothing, decor finds, and more) on the new shop page!
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