Earlier this year I read The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss (you can read my review here) and one of the concepts that stood out to me was the author’s reliance on virtual assistants to outsource projects and routine tasks. As I was reading, I made a list of several ways a virtual assistant might be valuable for my business… which I then completely forgot about the moment I finished the book.
Then about a month ago, I got an email from a new personal assistant service called Fin asking if I wanted to try it out and share my experience on the blog. I mentioned it to Will and he said he’d just listened to a podcast featuring Fin founder Andrew Kortina (who also founded Venmo) and thought it sounded pretty cool, so I decided to give it a shot!
The way Fin works is by combining 24/7 human help with machine learning technology that gets smarter as it processes new requests. Basically if it’s a task that can be performed online, Fin can handle it. You can contact your Fin assistant by text, email, or messaging on Fin’s website or in their app. Each request is priced individually, so instead of paying an hourly rate or salary the way you would for a full-time assistant, you pay only for completed tasks. Such a game-changer for start-ups and small businesses!
A few of the tasks I’ve delegated to Fin so far: pinning images from my recent blog posts to Pinterest (I was way overdue and SO happy to have this crossed off my list!), sending (and following up on) invoices for completed sponsored posts, scheduling conference calls with brands, and scheduling personal appointments like going to the doctor and getting my hair cut (which Fin can now book on a recurring basis). Each task is priced individually (some as low as $3) so I can see exactly how much I’m spending in exchange for the time I’m saving.
I know I have a nontraditional job, so I wanted to mention a few of the ways Fin could be helpful in a more traditional office environment. If your calendar is packed with calls and meetings, for example, Fin can handle all your meeting invites and coordinate scheduling among coworkers. If you travel a lot for work, Fin can book flights, hotels, and rental cars (and will even remember your seat preference for plane trips). If you’re hiring, Fin can coordinate with job candidates and schedule interview times. And if something in your office breaks (like the air conditioning or the printer), how nice would it be to send off a quick text to Fin and know that a service provider will be there ASAP?
I also wish I’d known about Fin when we moved from Texas to Connecticut a couple years ago. Can you imagine having someone else book your moving truck, hire movers in both places, and call to set up your utilities and internet before your arrival so you can focus on actually packing? Yes please! I’ve also read reviews from other users who asked Fin to compare health insurance plans, negotiate phone bills, and even pay overdue medical bills. We all have outstanding tasks that feel like black clouds but never seem to make it to the top of our to do lists, and to me that’s the biggest opportunity for a service like Fin. You can sign up here if you want to give it a go!
Have you ever used a virtual assistant? Would you? What tasks would you delegate? I love reading about new technology and would love to hear your thoughts!
*This post is sponsored by Fin. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Design Darling!