I feel like I’m in this weird stage of pregnancy where I don’t really know what I’m supposed to be doing to get ready for the baby (besides the usual eating healthy, working out, getting enough sleep, etc.). A month ago it felt way too soon to start working on a baby registry but recently two sweet friends have offered to host baby showers and I suddenly feel behind! It doesn’t help that all the baby apps (which I rely on to tell me very important facts like our baby being the size of an artichoke this week…) are urging me to “start baby-proofing while I have the energy!” when we’re still hoping to buy a house either before or just after the baby arrives and baby-proofing is just about the last thing on my mind.
All that to say I’ve finally started working on our baby registry over the past couple weeks with a lot of help from girlfriends who thankfully know way more than I do. It’s been surprisingly a lot of fun and unsurprisingly a little overwhelming to research all the different gear we’ll need for our firstborn. And since I know there are lots of smart and stylish moms reading here, I’d love your two cents as well! There are just so many decisions that I know so little about… Like do we need a Dockatot? (I have friends who swear by it; my mom says it looks like a life raft and can’t imagine when you’d use that over a baby bouncer.) Is a heart-rate-monitoring sleep sock the ultimate peace of mind or an over-the-top invention for panicked first-time moms? ? I’m exaggerating but you catch my drift — it’s so easy to get carried away when you’re starting at square one! So if you have a stroller you’re obsessed with (nearly every one of my mom friends has recommended this one) or a brand of baby monitors or bottles or onesies you can’t live without, I am all ears. I know a bunch of you are expecting little ones around the same time so hopefully any recommendations will help more than just this mom-to-be!