Will helped me pack my hospital bag this past weekend and knowing that it’s ready and waiting as soon as I go into labor has given me great peace of mind, even if I just wind up staring at it by the door for the next three (or more ?) weeks! I scoured countless blogs and polled several girlfriends as I was putting together my hospital packing list and I feel pretty good about everything that’s coming with us. We’ve taken several classes at our hospital over the past few months and were pretty surprised by some of the items mentioned in our childbirth preparation class (I couldn’t believe people hang their own twinkle lights in their delivery rooms for ambiance?!) so I like to think my list is comprehensive without being too over-the-top. But of course only time will tell! 🙂
- A cozy blanket (my mom says she was freezing in the hospital and wishes she’d had a blanket and warmer socks)
- A comfy robe
- Pajamas
- A going home outfit (subject to change if it’s unseasonably warm or cool)
- Slippers
- Grippy socks
- Rubber flip flops for the shower
- Breast pump (I took many readers’ suggestions and ordered this one through Aeroflow)
- Haakaa pump (again a popular reader recommendation)
- Nursing pillow
- Nursing bra
- Hands-free pumping bra
- Nursing camis (these are SO comfy — so glad I found them)
- Nursing pads
- Nipple butter
- Several varieties of postpartum underwear (including these and these — got so many different recs and have no idea what will work best!)
- Toiletries (minimal makeup, makeup wipes, Aquaphor for lips, shampoo/conditioner, face wash, body wash, toothbrush and toothpaste)
- Protein bars
- Camera with charger and extra memory card
- Extra long iPhone chargers for me and Will
- Baby book (this was a gift from the brand and it’s so beautiful it made me tear up!)
- Several onesies in size newborn and 0-3 months (bringing several options for his “going home” outfit which will be a game-time decision depending on what fits!)
- Several of these newborn swaddles
- Baby blanket
I’m sure this list will sound excessive to some of you and insufficient to others — that’s definitely how I felt reading other people’s lists so we just did what felt comprehensive but still manageable to us! I tried to squeeze everything into my extra-large LL Bean tote but unfortunately I’m not Mary Poppins so we’re bringing an additional medium tote for the remaining items (which I guess isn’t too crazy if you think of it as packing for a 2-4 night trip!). The medium tote is actually one of our diaper bags and is personalized with baby’s name on the other side… excited to finally share his name with you when he arrives! I’d love to hear from any moms reading the #1 thing you were happy to have with you in the hospital. I can’t say I have a ton of leftover space in my bag at the moment but maybe I can convince Will to save a little room in his bag for any last-minute additions. 😉
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