Teddy turned seven months yesterday and honestly life looks much the same as it did when I posted his six month update. The biggest silver lining of being quarantined is having Will at home and seeing him get to spend so much more time with Teddy. Teddy is definitely being spoiled with nonstop attention and naps in our bed (I know, I know…) and I know someday we will long for this uninterrupted quality time together.
striped sweater // cable-knit cashmere pants // month cards
Did you ever think you’d say the word Zoom so many times in one month?
In terms of what’s new… Teddy loves sitting up on his own and waving hi to all of us, including the dogs which melts my heart every time. He’s not crawling yet, but you can tell he’s starting to get interested and I’m equal parts excited and terrified for him to start moving independently. He does have one little tooth starting to come in on the bottom left and we’ve been giving him lots of chilled teething rings. Recently he’s become much more interested in eating while we’re eating (as in he lunges at and tries to grab whatever we’re eating). So we’ll give him small bites of what we’re eating in addition to the purées he eats once or twice a day (more on introducing solids here) and it’s been so fun to watch him experience so many new flavors. We also introduced this sippy cup and he loves holding it up to his mouth even if he hasn’t really figured out how to get more than a drop of water just yet.
monogrammed bib // elephant onesie
I’m still breastfeeding six times a day and it’s so second nature it hardly feels worth noting anymore, but I wanted to mention it for any of you navigating your own experience feeding your own babies. I always assumed we would supplement with or switch to formula at some point and continue to be surprised at how naturally breastfeeding has come for us. It wasn’t without its hurdles — I don’t think I’ll ever forget how painful it was that first week or two — but now it honestly feels like the easiest option for us and I don’t have any plans to wean in the near future. (Caveating two things here: 1) Working from home has given me the luxury to breastfeed around the clock and I tip my hat to moms who are pumping at work in less-than-welcoming set-ups. It kills me to think there are moms who want to breastfeed/pump and ultimately stop because of obstacles in their workplace. And 2) No shade whatsoever to moms who start on, supplement with, or switch to formula. I’m a firm believer that any kind of fed is best and actually feel a little lonely in continuing to breastfeed this long. I would have switched to formula in a heartbeat if that felt like the best option for us and never, ever want anyone to feel less than for having a difference experience than I’ve had thus far.)
our favorite book // fisherman sweater // cable-knit cashmere pants
Other than that I’m just excited for the weather to warm up so we can do more outside besides going for walks with Teddy bundled up in the stroller. Who knows what this summer will bring in terms of having to stay at home, but I look forward to whenever it is we’ll be able to push him on the swings at a playground or bring him to the beach now that I think he’d be able to look around and enjoy it. In the mean time we’re grateful he’s healthy and happy and hope the same is true for all of you!
Weefarers baby sunglasses // gingham bib
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P.S. More baby posts you might like:
- My first trimester recap
- What’s on our baby registry
- My maternity jeans review
- My second trimester recap
- What’s in my hospital bag
- My third trimester recap
- Introducing Teddy!
- Teddy’s birth story
- My postpartum recovery essentials + the most useful items in my hospital bag
- Our favorite baby products so far
- One month with Teddy
- My breastfeeding experience + essentials
- Teddy’s nursery reveal
- Two months with Teddy
- Three months with Teddy
- Four months with Teddy
- More of our favorite baby products
- Five months with Teddy
- What’s in our diaper bag
- Six months with Teddy