I’ve gotten a few questions after my post on 50 gift ideas for babies and toddlers about what we’re going to give Teddy this year so I wanted to share what I’ve ordered so far! Admittedly he’ll probably be just as interested in crinkly wrapping paper and shiny bows as he will be in the gifts themselves so I don’t think it would take too much to make his Christmas morning a happy one, but it was still fun to brainstorm a few things I know he’ll love!
Teddy looked so sweet in his navy flag sweater this past summer that I had to pick up this white version for next year! I suppose this is more a gift to myself than to him but too sweet not to mention.
Crate & Barrel blue striped playhouse
I am so excited for this to arrive — I think he’s going to be obsessed!!! I think it will be a darling addition to Teddy’s playroom and I can’t wait to see him curled up inside with his books.
If it’s colorful and makes a lot of noise, it’s pretty much a guarantee Teddy will love it.
Kiddie Design kitchen helper stool
Teddy LOVES “helping” in the kitchen and I know he’s going to be thrilled to be up at counter level with a mixing bowl or a sink full of pots and pans (and far away from knives and the stove of course!).
Another is-this-for-me-or-for-him gift but one I couldn’t resist during their Cyber Monday sale. Is there anything better than a baby in cashmere? These sweaters are investment pieces we’ll hand down from child to child for years to come.
I’ll probably add a few new books to this assortment and then call it a day! We got him this trike for his first birthday in September and there are a ton more ideas in this post if you have a little one of a similar age! Would love to hear what you’re gifting to the little ones in your life this year. 🙂
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