Our little guy turned four months on Monday which was also my 32nd birthday! We spent the last month since Peter’s three month update on Nantucket and I feel like we’re heading back to Connecticut with a different baby than the one we arrived with — he’s no longer a sleepy little newborn but the busiest little babe! It was so special to have both boys in our favorite place — I can’t believe next summer they’ll both be walking / running everywhere?! Heaven help us.
baby baseball cap // infant carrier
Life with two under two has definitely gotten busier as Peter’s graduated from the sleepy newborn days to being more awake and alert. We never exactly thrived with getting Teddy on a schedule in his first year and after a summer of beach naps and generally going with the flow, I’m hoping we can settle Peter into a more predictable routine at home this fall. Our only schedule right now is that I’m breastfeeding every three hours during the day with one wake-up at night (you can read how we handle nighttime duty in this post!), but other than that it’s a lot of cat naps on the fly that I’d love to transition into 1+ hour long naps in the crib. Figuring out schedules, sleep, etc. is something I found overwhelming with just one baby, so layering in a second has felt a little daunting to me. If anyone has a two under two schedule that’s worked well for you, I’m all ears!
swimsuit // monogrammed bubble
pajamas // reversible play mat
Peter’s been rolling from tummy to back for a while now and this week he started rolling from his back to his tummy! This does mean it’s time for us to drop the swaddle (in the midst of the four month sleep regression and settling back at home… yikes) so I’m excited for life on the other side of this transition phase! I remember feeling absolutely heartbroken every time Teddy outgrew a newborn outfit or looked a little older to me and while I definitely still have moments of wistfulness, I also feel more excited because I know exactly how much we have to look forward with him at each coming age. By the way, I’m in love with this play mat we got for Nantucket and will bring back to CT — it’s something I didn’t know I was missing with Teddy as a baby and it will be amazing as Peter starts practicing sitting up too. I loved this play gym with Teddy but this one is large enough for the entire family to hang on, super squishy (read: actually comfortable!), and easy to wipe down after inevitable spills and spit-up. Plus it’s pretty and reversible!
Peter lost a ton of hair this month (the same thing happened to Teddy at this age but apparently doesn’t happen to all babies? so strange!) but the new hair that’s growing in is definitely still red. I totally didn’t think it was possible to have a redheaded baby after Teddy was born looking so much like Will, but Peter definitely has my coloring!
Gah just looking at these photos turns my heart to mush — we are so lucky he’s ours. Despite having one million things to be grateful for, these haven’t been the easiest few months for our family and yet this little guy and his older brother are just the brightest lights. And now I need to go give them both a big squeeze. ?
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- My first trimester with Teddy
- My second trimester with Teddy
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- Teddy’s birth story
- Teddy’s birth announcements
- Teddy’s nursery reveal
- One month with Teddy (and the advice I wish I could have given myself as a new mom)
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- Three months with Teddy
- Four months with Teddy
- Five months with Teddy
- Six months with Teddy
- What’s in our diaper bag
- Seven months with Teddy
- Eight months with Teddy
- Nine months with Teddy
- Ten months with Teddy
- Eleven months with Teddy
- Twelve months with Teddy
- My first trimester with Peter
- My second trimester with Peter
- My third trimester with Peter
- My hospital bag packing list for baby #2
- Peter’s birth story
- My ultimate baby essentials list
- One month with Peter
- Two months with Peter
- Three months with Peter