I feel like I’ve been all over the place this summer… or since Peter was born… or since I was pregnant? I’m not sure exactly but it feels like forever since I had any kind of routine and I’m craving a more predictable schedule as we head into the fall. I’m never ready for the summer to end but I think it will be good for all of us to be in one place and figure out what the new normal looks like with Will working from home, Teddy and Peter with our nanny for part of the day, me trying to get back to posting here every day, etc. I’m tired of feeling disorganized and discombobulated and a new season always feels like a good time to turn over a new leaf. Here’s what’s on my mind these days…
- All the activities. Teddy starts a two’s program in a few weeks (he turns two at the end of September… how?!) and we’ve also signed him up for a little gymnastics class and more swim lessons. After spending so much of his first two years of life at home, I can’t wait for him to be out in the world meeting people and making friends. I’m sure I’ll be an emotional wreck dropping him off at his first day of “school,” but I know it’s going to be really good for him to have a social life and a schedule.
- Teddy is talking up a storm these days. And there is absolutely nothing cuter than a 22-month-old saying the word “waffle.”
- Pandemic anxiety. If you had told me back in March 2020 that we’d still be dealing with Covid in August 2021, I don’t think I would have believed you. My heart breaks for all the healthcare workers who must be at wit’s end and all the teachers who are heading into another uncertain school year. I know I’m not alone in being more than ready to close the book on this chapter. How are you all holding up?
- Can we clear some lists? If you’re a teacher, will you leave a link to your Amazon classroom list in the comments? I’ll post a few on my Instagram story and see if we can help you start the school year on the right foot.
- Backyard progress. It was really nice to come home to our backyard being mostly finished. Renovating our pool (which basically meant removing the old pool and building a new one while there was still a giant hole in the ground) felt like a never-ending project this past winter and spring and the fact that we’re finally able to enjoy it makes the wait almost worth it. (I’m sure I’ll get there, but oof, this project just about did me in.) I’ll take pictures and write a blog post on the process at some point but for now I just want to soak it all in while it’s still nice out!
- The world feels really heavy right now. Between what’s happening in Afghanistan, the Delta variant, etc., the past couple weeks have weighed heavy on my heart. This quote was a good reminder — you can join me in making a contribution here if you’re looking for a way to help.
- I love Glennon Doyle. Have I mentioned that? I know I have. But this quote really does it for me and maybe it will for one of you too: “It has taken me forty years to decide that when I feel bad, I want to do something that makes me feel better, instead of worse. Easy buttons (things I do to abandon myself): boozing, bingeing, shopping, snarking, comparing, reading mean reviews, inhaling loads of sugar. Reset buttons (things I can do to make staying with myself a little more possible): drink a glass of water, take a walk, take a bath, practice yoga, meditate, go to the beach and watch the waves, play with my dog, hug my wife and kids, hide the phone. My reset buttons are just little things; big thinking is the kryptonite for high and low folks like me. When everything is terrible and I feel certain that I need a new career, a new religion, a new house, a new life, I look at my list and remember that what I really need is probably a glass of water.” Gah. If you haven’t read or listened to Untamed (and transcribed seemingly every other paragraph into your notes app?), put it on your list and let me know what you think.
- The four month sleep regression is so real. I think between my third trimester and the first four months with Peter, it’s been close to eight months since I slept straight through the night. I think (hope? pray?) we’re nearing a breakthrough with him being able to get himself back to sleep, but until then, we’re just… tired. Solidarity with any of you who are also in this phase — this too shall pass. It will, right? Right?!
- These gingham pajamas are my new favorites. I got these for Teddy and they run quite long, but they’re a surprisingly perfect match (!) if you’re into that sort of thing.
- I’ve been ordering groceries online and getting our pantry in order and I feel like a new person. I’ve even cooked dinner most nights this week, which is kind of a big deal around here. I know I’m like a decade behind on this, but we just got on the Banza bandwagon and Teddy can’t tell the difference. All about the little victories these days.
- I’m itching for a trip with just Will. I haven’t spent a night away from our kids since Teddy was born but it feels like it’s time. Our four year anniversary is in a few weeks (again, how?) and I’d love to plan even a one night getaway to look forward to. Anywhere in New England you would recommend?
- Do we like this kind of post? I’ll be honest — part of me dragging my feet to get back into posting every day since having Peter has been that the internet and social media haven’t been amazing for my mental health this past year. Having a job on the internet in 2020/2021 has been… a lot, and I want to find a way to strike a balance that lets me show up here (and on Instagram) consistently without draining me of the energy I want to have around my family. 99.99% of you are amazing and I probably just need a good night’s sleep (my version of a glass of water?), but I guess it’s just something I’m thinking a lot about these days and I’d welcome your two cents. This November will mark twelve years since I started this blog and I’m so grateful to all of you who still show up here each day whether there’s something new to see or not. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for being here and sticking with me!