First of all, thank you all so much for the love on Friday’s post. Sometimes I don’t know how much I want to say until I sit down and write it, and it means the world to me to know that so many of you have similar things on your heart these days.
If you read that post, you can guess where today’s post is headed, but seriously, if you haven’t started listening to Glennon Doyle’s podcast We Can Do Hard Things, you’re truly in for a treat. I haven’t historically been a huge podcast listener (I know, I know…) but I intend to listen to every episode of this one! Glennon and her sister Amanda (and occasionally Glennon’s wife Abby) explore topics ranging from anxiety to body image and parenting to self-care and I find myself wanting to take notes every five seconds because they’re all just brilliant and insightful and thought-provoking. I love rehashing their conversations with my sister, my mom, my husband — basically I think there’s a little something for everyone and I imagine a lot of you will really enjoy it if you aren’t already listening!
Anyway one of the early topics in the podcast explored the idea of having fun as an adult and what that looks like for Glennon, Amanda, and Abby. The premise is that Abby seeks fun in every little thing she does, whereas Glennon and Amanda have to think really hard about what is fun for them, how to make time for it, etc. It’s sparked a number of interesting conversations with people in my life since listening and I’d love to open it up to all of you: what’s your idea of fun these days — and do you do a good job of making it happen?
The two things that came instantly to mind for me were running into the ocean and needlepoint. Running into the ocean is maybe the one thing that’s just as fun for me at 32 as it was at 2 or 12 or 22 and while I didn’t do it as often as I would have liked this summer with two little ones in tow, I found myself appreciating it even more on the occasions it did happen. My brother Camden snapped the photo above of me, my dad, and my husband running into the water one night after dinner on the beach and even the memory of it makes me happy. And I’ve shared before that I love needlepoint for busying my hands and forcing me off my phone at night, though I sometimes catch myself saying, “okay, I need to finish this section tonight” and have to remind myself that it’s supposed to be fun, not another way to try to be productive!
It’s clearly a privilege to even think about fun with everything going on in the world these days, but in many ways I think that means fun is more precious than ever, no? (And if you’re looking for ways to give back, I shared a great organization in Friday’s post and the comments are full of teachers’ Amazon wishlists you can contribute to!) I’d love to hear what’s fun for you these days and when you have plans to make time for it next. Excited to read your comments!