I turn 34 today and while it’s sort of a neither-here-nor-there birthday between my early and late thirties, I always think it’s a good time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the next one! First and foremost, 33 was the year we welcomed Tucker and adjusted to life as a family of five, which has been incredible and exhausting and all things in between. My friend Jen wrote about the notion that there are “years that ask” and “years that answer” and I think any year that involves a new baby will likely be a year that asks… which means we’ve had a few asking years in a row now!
I hope in some ways that 34 will be a year that answers — a year where we continue to find our footing as parents of three children and where I can prioritize taking better care of myself and feeling a little less run down in general. I have so many blessings in my life and I want to have the energy to make the most of them! I will say I’m on day 9 of waking up at 5:45 a.m. (see #6 on my 101 in 1001 list — I’m trying!) and it’s kind of life-changing to have a moment to myself before the kids are awake and full speed ahead. We’ll see how long I’m able to keep it up but I’d love to think I can introduce a few similar healthy habits in the coming 365 days. I have high hopes for the year ahead and appreciate each of you following along!

Outfit details
Hill House Ellie nap dress in blueberry stripe (sold out, also love this)
matching shorts and waterproof loafers on Peter

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