We’re very excited to share that our fourth baby is a boy! He will join his three big brothers Teddy (currently 5), Peter (3 1/2), and Tucker (2). We found out early a little after 8 weeks this time — I always thought we might wait to find out with one of our pregnancies but honestly I’m glad to have had some extra time to wrap my head around life with four little boys!
Truthfully we’ve gotten some mixed reactions (mostly from strangers) to this news and of course I’ve had moments of feeling sad at not experiencing having a daughter or getting to see Will as a girl dad, but I love our boys more than life itself and could never be disappointed with another healthy little boy to love! We know so many families with children of the same sex (whether two, three, or four!) and I think they would all say their lives are very full. Honestly I think there’s something pretty badass about being a mom of four boys 😉 and we are literally counting down the days to meet our fourth little guy come March!

It's a boy!

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