I’m so excited to share that I’ll be speaking on a panel at Alt Summit in Salt Lake City! I’ve always wanted to attend the conference and to go as a speaker is a dream come true. I’ll be speaking about my experience of opening an online shop and I’m so excited to meet lots of new blogger friends and soak up lots of advice and inspiration from fellow panelists!
One teeny tiny problem: I just found out a few weeks ago that I’ll be attending which means I’ve done nothing about a hotel room and the Grand America is already sold out. My girls Molly and Sally insist it’s the most convenient place to stay so if anyone’s looking for a roommate, please please please holler! And if you have a ticket you’re looking to part with, I know our friend Bradley is interested. Send me an email if you can help with either and I’ll shower you with hugs and presents 😉 Thank you in advance and can’t wait to see some of you there!
Keep up with Design Darling