one // two // three // four // five // six // seven (yes, that is a bow waistband and yes, I have died and gone to heaven) // eight (hello, monogrammed leather gloves, you will be mine) // nine // ten
Is anyone else just totally overwhelmed this week?! This is the craziest time of year for my business which means less sleep, lots of cardboard boxes all over the apartment, and working overtime to make sure everyone gets their holiday orders on time. Most days I forget to eat lunch until it’s dinnertime, let personal errands like grocery shopping and dry cleaning fall by the wayside, watch unread emails and text messages pile up while I work… But I truly wouldn’t have it any other way. This is my first Christmas season in New York and I intend to make the most of it! My favorite diversion of all? Retail therapy, of course. Say it with me: one for you and two for me! 😉