J.Crew cocoon coat (last seen here)
Elizabeth & James booties (similar)
It’s taken me for-ev–er but I’ve definitely settled into a typical workweek routine in the city. Eddy and I pack orders for the boutique on Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Carly and I work on our laptops at a coffee shop on Tuesday/Thursday. Ideally I’d be spending less time packing boxes and more time on blog collaborations and product sourcing but still I’ve never felt so happy to be working hard at something I love.
This is a pretty standard look for me these days: oversized sweater, skinny jeans, and shoes that don’t kill my feet. Carly and I have vowed to snap each other’s outfits more often (does this mean I have to do my hair every day?) so I hope you’ll stay tuned for a few more style posts around these parts! xx
*Photos by Carly Heitlinger