I’m excited to get back into sharing decorating updates on the blog now that we’re back in Connecticut for the foreseeable future. You can see the majority of the house projects we’re hoping to tackle in the next few years on my new 101 in 1001 list, several of which involve decorating decisions for our living room. I shared our new (reupholstered) chairs at the beginning of the summer and since then I’ve been toying around with different ideas for artwork, a proper ottoman, a larger rug, window treatments, throw pillows, the list goes on! While I love the satisfaction of a good room reveal (like this or this) I think it’s also fun (and more realistic!) to share photos of rooms that are still very much in progress so we can one day look back and see how they’ve taken shape over time. You can actually see the original before photo of our living room in this post from when we moved in last summer!
Casey Chalem Anderson prints one, two, three, and four
similar quatrefoil mirror // similar blue and white porcelain lamps
Oomph side tables // Pottery Barn sofa // Serena & Lily throw pillows
Lee Jofa chair fabric // Serena & Lily woven x benches // Serena & Lily rug
The wall behind our living room sofa had been empty since we moved in a year ago and I was having trouble finding a piece of art that was large enough to really make a statement on such a large expanse of white space. My mom gave me this antique quatrefoil mirror close to a decade ago and it’s been put to good use in many places I’ve lived since, but I originally hung it on the opposite wall in the living room because I loved the architectural interest it added above the fireplace. But it was so high off the ground it reflected nothing but the blank white wall across from it so we decided we’d try it above the sofa with a few prints we’d had in our previous rental home et voilà! I’m so happy with the result and I’m even happier that I didn’t spend a fortune on a huge new piece of art just to fill the space.
similar map // William Welch painting
similar ginger jars // One Kings Lane armchairs
Above the fireplace we instead hung this antique map of Nantucket that was in the dining room of my childhood home. It was one of the first things you saw when you walked in the door of that house and I love that we can now see it from our kitchen! It’s one of two pieces in the living room that we’ve been joking are “on loan from the Horan collection” as my parents also didn’t have a home for this William Welch watercolor that also hung in our childhood home. They’ll hang here for as long as my parents live with us and the sentimental attachment I have to each piece makes this room feel even more like home!
The last piece of art we hung this weekend was this adorable Anne Bohne watercolor that closely resembles our cockapoo Rory. I first discovered her work on Instagram a few months ago and I love the style of her paintings! It’s a piece I’ll likely move around as it would be pretty in several spots around the house, but for now I’m loving it between the windows on this wall!
Officially crossing #56 off the list… on to the next!
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