month cards // onesie // blanket
I can’t believe our little guy is already two months old! We keep joking that our next baby will probably be a nightmare because Peter continues to be an absolute dream. He’s super easygoing and is happiest being held at all times (this baby carrier is somehow getting even more use with Peter than it did with Teddy — definitely near the top of my list of baby essentials!). We’re still not on much of a schedule and I oscillate between craving a more predictable routine and just wanting to go with the flow. The more relaxed approach to feeding, nap times, etc. feels fitting for this season where all I want to do is be out and about with both boys after so much time cooped up indoors over the past year and a half. Maybe some of you can relate?
Teddy’s pajamas // Peter’s onesie
onesie // phone case // mirror
I received a few questions on my Q&A series about breastfeeding and pumping with baby #2 so I wanted to share our current routine here! I’m breastfeeding on demand (roughly every three hours during the day) and then I pump once in the middle of the night while Will feeds Peter a bottle of the previous night’s pumped milk. I’m typically able to pump more than he needs in a single bottle so I freeze the remainder and have built up a small freezer stash over time (nothing crazy but enough to be able to leave the house for an extra hour or two if need be!). I’m not the biggest fan of pumping in general, but doing it once a night lets me get back to sleep more quickly (since Will handles feeding Peter and getting him back to sleep) and gives me a little flexibility/peace of mind (since someone else can thaw frozen milk and feed him a bottle if I’m not home and he gets fussy). We’ll drop the bottle/pumping session as soon as he’s able to sleep through the night without getting hungry. I know the best routine looks different for every family but if your partner is looking for a way to pitch in and is able to be up for a bit in the middle of the night, I’ve found this to be a huge help in the first few months with a new baby! I use this pump and these freezer bags if you’re in the market for either.
Teddy’s onesie // Teddy’s slippers // Peter’s onesie
The highlight of this month was taking the boys to see/meet my Grandy in Florida. Suffice it to say we have a lot to learn about flying with two kids (happy to share what we’d do differently next time if anyone’s curious?) but of course it was one million times worth it. Peter was honestly an angel on both flights — it worked really well to wear him in this carrier and either breastfeed or feed him a bottle at takeoff and landing to keep his ears from popping. It absolutely made my year to see him and Teddy with Grandy!
Teddy’s polo shirt // Peter’s bubble
bubble (more monogrammed children’s clothing here)
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More baby and pregnancy posts you might like:
- My first trimester with Teddy
- My second trimester with Teddy
- My third trimester with Teddy
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- Teddy’s birth story
- Teddy’s birth announcements
- Teddy’s nursery reveal
- One month with Teddy (and the advice I wish I could have given myself as a new mom)
- Two months with Teddy
- Three months with Teddy
- Four months with Teddy
- Five months with Teddy
- Six months with Teddy
- What’s in our diaper bag
- Seven months with Teddy
- Eight months with Teddy
- Nine months with Teddy
- Ten months with Teddy
- Eleven months with Teddy
- Twelve months with Teddy
- My first trimester with Peter
- My second trimester with Peter
- My third trimester with Peter
- My hospital bag packing list for baby #2
- Peter’s birth story
- My ultimate baby essentials list
- One month with Peter