Fourteen months and somewhere in the neighborhood of 80,000 stitches later, I have finally finished stitching this custom house needlepoint canvas of my parents’ house on Nantucket!

I can’t wait to get it framed and present my mom with the finished product. Here’s what the custom canvas looked like before I started and below you can see it finished! Thankfully the warping and frayed edges will not be visible after the piece is blocked and framed (I go to Images in Old Greenwich for this if you’re local — you can see a few other canvases they’ve framed for me in this post!) and I am so excited for my parents to find a place for it on their walls this summer! I like to think my mom’s mom Grandy (forever the ultimate needlepointer in my eyes!) is looking down approvingly at this labor of love. 🙂

P.S. I would love to do something similar of our own home someday (next I’m starting on a needlepoint stocking for baby #4!) but maybe something more manageable in scale — linked some smaller canvas options below for anyone else contemplating the same!


Custom house needlepoint canvas

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