Hello and happy new year! I always love the start of a new year and I wanted to kick things off with some of my core memories from 2022. It was a year of high highs (having Tucker!) and low lows (losing Grandy) but I know I will love being able to look on posts like this one years from now when our family is in a totally different chapter. Mostly I hope I’ll remember it as the year Teddy (and later Peter!) started speaking in full sentences, we continued to chip away at turning our house into a home, we ventured to Italy as a family with two toddlers in my third trimester, and we welcomed our third baby boy and got to introduce him to his big brothers. Putting together this post was such a reminder that the days are long and the years are short — it’s very easy for me to feel like I accomplished too little in a given day, but when I look back at the year as a whole, it feels very full! Thank you all for being along for the ride, whether you’ve been here for years or are just joining now. I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for us all!
finding out we were pregnant with baby #3, sledding with Teddy and Peter
February & March
sharing our finished playroom, starting weekly lunch dates with Will, visiting my cousin and her family in Miami, spending a weekend with Will at the Mayflower Inn, announcing our pregnancy!
celebrating Peter’s first birthday, sharing that baby #3 is a boy, having our pantry professionally organized, visiting Inn at Perry Cabin, seeing a Red/Sox Yankees game with my parents, taking the boys to Dallas for the first time, having the garden house delivered!
picking tulips, planting lots of flowers in our yard, opening our pool, going to Sea Island with friends
wrapping up our bathroom renovation, lots of swimming, visiting a rose garden, heading to Nantucket
outdoor showers with the boys after the beach, Will teaching them to play tennis, Peter’s baptism, ITALY — walking to the beach every afternoon, having gelato every night, swimming with Peter and a very pregnant belly off the coast of Capri!
my last month of pregnancy and meeting Tucker on August 30!
Teddy starting school and soccer, our first month with Tucker, Teddy turning three and going viral on TikTok
Teddy’s birthday party, the boys’ first time trick-or-treating, my cousin’s wedding
taking these photos of Teddy and Peter, cheering my brother and my cousin’s husband on at the NYC marathon, launching my website redesign
decorating for Christmas, picking out and wrapping presents for the boys, picking up their finished needlepoint stockings, our first Christmas with three boys!